Folkearth - Folkearth

In a land where no road leads
On shores where no wave breaks
There is an inn, thatched with autumn leaves
Wherein dwell all the minstrels of yore

Wayfarer of life come take thy rest
There's a crackling fire and there is ale
We will sing of elder days and better times
We will sing you what your heart desires!

From the four corners of the earth
We have come bearing many a tune
Stomp your feet, let the feast begin!
Drink up and sing along all night long!

We conjure on our magic strings
Tales of valor, love and bloody war
See the heroes ride, see the maidens yearn
Legends come to life when we play for you!

Everything is possible, all can be true
Just listen to the song that echoes within you
We strike up a melody of your wildest dreams
As history collides with mythic songs of Yore!

From the four corners of the earth
We have come bearing many a tune
Stomp your feet, let the feast begin!
Drink up and sing along all night long!

Recite a nordic poem with voice clear and keen
By the sword of my father, swear the sacred oath!
See the drakkars appear out of the silvering mist
Your every step is guided by the father of victory!

Return once again to the Fatherland that bore you
Know full well where you're coming from
And only then the compass of your soul
Will point to the path you are bound to follow!

From the four corners of the earth
We have come bearing many a tune
Stomp your feet, let the feast begin!
Drink up and sing along all night long!